Sunray Farm Flowers: Orders

  • Bouquets for Occasions

    For event arrangements please send us an email with a few details as to what you’d like and when, and we’ll respond promptly. If you have a set budget, we are happy to give you a quote of how we could work within it.

    General availability is March-November.

    General Pricing:

    Small Bouquet (Pint jar): $20 + tax

    Medium (Quart jar): $35 + tax

    Large (Half Gallon jar): $50 + tax

    We use simple mason jars as vases — farm chic! Pickup at farm or $30 local delivery.

    Email Maggie to order:

  • Mixed Buckets

    We offer mixed buckets of flowers and greens to do your own arranging — for those who are down with what the farm and nature provide.


    Mixed Bucket of Seasonal Flowers $100 + tax

    Mixed Bucket of Greens and Filler $70 + tax


    A mixed bucket contains 60-80 stems of what is blooming best at the time of your order.

    What’s in a mixed bucket will change a lot over the course of the season, almost weekly — feel free to send a quick email for more info.

    Pick-up at farm, or $30 local delivery. Buckets need to be returned.

    Email Maggie to order: